Author Guidelines

The Al-Munir journal editorial team only accepts articles submitted online. If you have further questions, please contact: or call 081245024976. The following is the author's guide:

  1. The Title (Short, concise, and clear) and straight into the discussion or topic
  2. Author's name is written without title, only includes email and place of work
  3. Abstract 150-200 words in English and Indonesian
  4. The Abstract Using Keyword 3-5 words
  5. The article section contains an introduction, discussion methodology, and conclusions.
  6. Transliteration of Arabic to Indonesia using Turabian Style
  7. Using footnote and bibliography from Turabian and Chicago Styles Citations. For example klick here
  8. Number of words in one article 3000 - 6000 words
  9. Manuscripts are typed in MS document format with Times New Arabic, 12 pts size, 1 1/2 spaced, B5 paper of approximately 15 to 25 pages (authors must use a journal template)